
时间:2021-07-01 10:06:02 教学资源 浏览次数:




院 系 专 业

班 级

学 号

学 生 姓 名

联 系 方 式

年 月

摘 要






一、引子: .................................................................................................................... 1

二、通信工程的含义: ................................................................................................ 1

三、通信工程专业的培养目标: ................................................................................ 3

“平台+模块”形式的课程体系: ...................................................................... 3

四个平台 + 三个方向: ..................................................................................... 4

四个平台 ................................................................................................................. 4

(1)通识基础教育平台; ................................................................................... 4

三个方向 ................................................................................................................. 4

四、通信工程专业发展趋势和毕业生去向: ............................................................ 5

光纤通信发展前景 ................................................................................................. 5

无线通信发展前景 ................................................................................................. 5

就业现状: ............................................................................................................... 6

就业前景: ............................................................................................................... 6

五、通信工程实验室建设背景: ................................................................................ 7

2、通信工程实训中心实验室建设内容 ............................................................... 7

六、开设的实训项目 .................................................................................................... 7

4、通信工程实训中心实验室学生受益 ............................................................... 8

七、小结: .................................................................................................................... 9



自古至今,通信无时无刻不在影响着人们的生活,小到一次社会交际中的简单对话;大到进行太空探索时,人造探测器与地球间的信息交换。可以毫不保留地说,离开了通信技术,我们的生活将会黯然失色。这一切都应该归功于通信工程(Communication Engineering)技术的迅猛发展。如果让科学家们选出近十年来发展速度最快的技术,恐怕也是非通信技术莫属。那么让我们来多了解一下这个年轻而又略显“神奇”的专业吧。

二、通信工程的含义:通信工程(Communication Engineering)专业是信息科学技术发展迅速并极具活力的一个领域,尤其是数字移动通信、光纤通信、Internet网络通信使人们在传递信息和获得信息方面达到了前所未有的便捷程度。通信工程具有极广阔的发展前景,也是人才严重短缺的专业之一。本专业学习通信技术、通信系统和通信网等方面的知识,能在通信领域中从事研究、、制造、运营及在国民经济各部门和国防工业中从事开发、应用通信技术与设备。毕业后可从事无线通信、电视、大规模集成电路、智能仪器及应用电子技术领域的研究,设计和通信工程的研究、设计、技术引进和技术开发工作。近年来的毕业生集中在通信系统、高科技开发公司、科研 院所、设计单位、金融系统、民航、铁路及政府和大专院校等。本专业本着加强基础、拓宽专



档号: 专业代码:


系 别 工程技术系

学 生 姓 名xxx

学 生 学 号 xxxx

学 生 班 级 10通信技术(1)班

专 业 名 称 通信技术



实 习 单 位 xx

2013 年 4 月 26日

2013 年 4 月 26日




二. 实习岗位及主要内容·································4






1、autoCAD以及zwCAD的使用和看竣工图纸 ·····················6






四.实习总结···········································16 参考文献··············································16 致谢·················································16 附录··················································16 顶岗实习记录表及顶岗实习考核鉴定表················




公司具备通信信息网络系统集成甲级资质、通信网络代维甲级资质,已通过高新技术企业、软件企业、安全生产企业、ISO(ISO 9001质量管理体系,ISO14001环境管理体系、职业健康安全管理体系)等一系列资格认证。成立至今,公司已经在通讯行业建立了稳定的市场基础和用户支持群体,并逐渐成为通信技术服务规范的发起者和倡导者。





公司具备通信信息网络系统集成甲级资质、通信网络代维甲级资质,已通过高新技术企业、软件企业、安全生产企业、ISO(ISO 9001质量管理体系,ISO14001环境管理体系、职业健康安全管理体系)等一系列资格认证。成立至今,公司已经在通讯行业建立了稳定的市场基础和用户支持群体,并逐渐成为通信技术服务规范的发起者和倡导者。





思想上积极向上爱岗敬业,工作上勤奋努力,认真负责,在不懂时能主动提问,能独立自主。 3.实习岗位(管线割接员、管线,设备录入员)



为割接方案的确定做好准备。在这项工作中会用到一些软件,首先我要学习软件的操作,它涉及到SQL数据库,AUTO-CAD的应用和看图。在画出割接后的网络拓扑、设备连接图等,以备割接时的参照。我还要写出详细的割接步骤、实施步骤、系统的更改和配置步骤以及每步的回退方案等; 将割接的先后工序及所用时间排列清楚; 并要割接负责人的确定 割接时间确定: 向上级主管部门申请割接停电路的时间,申请的时间应有充足的余量; 对通信网有较大影响的,应另调度其他电路作为过渡使用。割接方案报建设单位主管部门审批后方可实施,主管部门最好能组织相关部门的人员对割接方案进行严格的会审。割接过程中要严格按照割接步骤执行,旧设备拆除: 当接到割接的指令后,应按要求关机。拆除旧设备时不得影响正在使用设备的正常运行。先拆除交、直流电源线并将其端头做绝缘处理,再拆除其他线缆; 拆除信号线、控制线时要注意防止短路; 对以后需要继续使用的线缆要进行编号留存,防止混乱。最后拆除旧设备。拆除的线缆、旧设备等应存放于安全、干燥的地方,列出清单存档。所有需要割接的光缆、电缆、设备一定要贴上对应的标签,尽量减少错漏现象,据统计很大一部分的割接错误都是因为物理连接出了差错。


管线录入从理论上讲就是对照工程图纸,把 电缆、光缆、管网、交接

设备等信息录入到系统里,通常有专门的管线资源管理系统软件。 我是学习在管线系统里面去录入的,在移动公司的管线系统里面把电缆、光缆、管网、交接设备等信息录进去。例如根据中山镇区金沙基站到彩虹桥基站优化光缆新建路由图(1)进行管线录入。




管线录入从理论上讲就是对照工程图纸,把 电缆、光缆、管网、交接设备等信息录入到系统里,通常有专门的管线资源管理系统软件。 我是学习在管线系统里面去录入的,在本周我的主要工作还是以割接为主,网络割接是对正在使用的线路、设备进行操作,将会直接影响到上面承载的业务,网络改造中最关键的一步就是网络割接。为了网络运行所以对线路进行割接,和服务器定时维护一样,做好性能提升,设备的更新,线路扩容或者说重新调整环网的树模式,光路用光纤连接新老设备,数据电路割接用专用的数据电线来连接新老传输设备端子通常,业务运行网络要求24小时不间断,而割接一般都是对正在使用的线路、设备进行操作,所以网络割接将会直接影响到上面承载的业务,这种割接一不小心就会造成业务应用的中断。如何制定最完善的割接方案、如何执行最完美的割接、为了规避割接中的风险和减少乃至消除对业务系统的影响,这些都是我们在割接前需要详细考虑的事情。




Shallow knowledge of communication engineering


In the late 1950 s, the advent of the computer and popularization, the informations influence on the society as a whole gradually increase to an absolute important position. The amount of information, information transmission speed, the speed of information processing and application degree of information are growing in the form of geometric series.


The 21st century is an information-based economy and prosperity of the new century, it is an era of information explosion, everyday we come into contact with the voluminous information, the information sources, such as Internet, mobile phones, TV, newspaper, the people around you, and so on, can say information has been deeply integrated into our lives, we have not information. , according to scientists from junk emails to annoying ads, we every day \bombardment\ by the vast amounts of information. Scientists in the United States to calculate a person on an average day for the amount of data. They found that the average human daily via television, radio, newspapers, posters and email for the amount of data that is equivalent to 174 newspaper reading. The study also found that the worlds libraries, computers, DVD and newspaper contains the amount of data of 295 trillion bytes. If these data will be stored in a cd-rom, CD piled on the height equivalent to the distance between the earth and the moon, and the amount of data is in constant increase.


So, in this rapidly changing information in the era of information, confused everyone that all walks of life should be how to face such a situation? I think that must be associated with information technology in the industry, so as to achieve more efficient, more rapid response, to adapt to the rapidly changing social needs.


Across the electronics, communication engineering, computer science courses completed

with the characteristics of both need a good base for mathematics, physics, and strong ability of hands-on application. Some courses, such as data structure, operating system, database, belongs to the computer class, others, such as signal processing, high frequency circuit, circuit principle belongs to electronics, and the communication principle between the professional foundation courses, such as learning scope is wide. Need we students have strong logical thinking ability, especially suitable for those students with deep understanding and analytical. Professional division is thinner, the professional can \soft\ can \hard\, tend to computer and electronic two directions respectively.


Communication engineering is the information and the rapid development of science and technology and a dynamic field, especially digital mobile communications, optical fiber communication, Internet, network communication makes people in the passing information and access to information has reached unprecedented convenience degree. A decade ago, Hong Kong and Taiwan gang bosses in the film can be used to hit the \big brother\ of people, already became so thin light, colorful, and into the hand of ordinary people; Previously only months flying pigeon biography books can contact foreign friends can use the simple and convenient and quick E-mail (E-mail) and greetings, instant messaging, and even a network meeting on camera! All this should be attributed to the rapid development of communication engineering technology. Communication engineering, therefore, is to promote the development of information technology has helped.


Information technology and communication technology is complementary to each other, communication technology is a modern sound, light, electricity technology as the foundation of hardware, supplemented by the corresponding software to achieve information exchange. The end of last century, multimedia, the application of the Internet has greatly promoted the spread of the development of communication engineering specialty, looking forward to early this century, broadband technology, optical communication also has emerged. Today, these techniques have been developed more mature, we surf the Internet today largely use broadband Internet access, is also benefiting from the development of these technologies, we now can have life rich and colorful Internet.


Our communication engineering is divided into two subjects, one is biased towards the transmission of \communication and information system\, the other one is to the decoding of the signal and information processing. This all have great relationship with information technology.


Communication engineering in the field of another, is this on the one hand, it is important to computer and network technology, computer network refers to the different geographical position has independent function of computer and its peripheral equipment, through the communication lines connected, in a network operating system, network management software and network management and coordination of communication protocol, realize resources sharing and information transmission of computer system.计算机网络的功能主要表现在硬件资源共享、软件资源共享和用户间信息交换三个方面。

Function of the computer network is mainly manifested in the hardware resource sharing, the software resource sharing and information exchange between users in three aspects.


1. The hardware resource sharing. Can be dealt with within the scope of the entire network to provide the resources, storage resources, expensive equipment such as input and output of resources sharing, the user to save investment, also facilitate centralized management and balanced share the load.


2. The software resource sharing. Allows users of the Internet to remote access to all kinds of large database, you can get the network file transfer service, remote process management services and remote file access service, so as to avoid the repeated labor in the software development and data resources repetition of storage, also facilitate centralized management.


3. The information exchange between users. Across a computer network for distribution in the user provides a powerful means of communication. The user can send an email through the computer network, publish news and e-commerce activities.

通信工程对于信息领域的另外一个重要的贡献在于卫星通信,尤其是中国的北斗星卫星计划就是一个有力的说明 北斗卫星导航系统是中国自行研制开发的区域性有源三维卫星定位与通信系统(CNSS),是除美国的全球定位系统(GPS)、俄罗斯的GLONASS之后第三个成熟的卫星导航系统。可在全球范围内全天候、全天时为各类用户提供高精度、高可靠的定位、导航、授时服务,并兼具短报文通信能力。第八颗和第九颗北斗卫星于2011年被长征三号甲运载火箭送入太空预定转移轨道。2011年12月,北斗卫星导航系统新闻发言人冉承其表示,北斗卫星导航系统将在2020年形成全球覆盖能力。近年来卫星通信新技术


Communication engineering for another important contribution in the field of information lies in satellite communications, especially in Chinas big dipper satellite program is a powerful explanation Beidou satellite navigation system is developed by Chinas regional active 3 d satellite positioning and communication system (CNSS), is in addition to the U.S. global positioning system (GPS), the third after Russias GLONASS satellite navigation system. But on a global scale with high precision, all-weather, for all kinds of users throughout the high reliable positioning, navigation and timing services, and with short message communication skills. The eighth and ninth beidou satellite in 2011, was the long March 3 a rocket into space is scheduled to transfer orbit. In December 2011, the beidou satellite navigation system, a spokesman for RanCheng its said the beidou satellite navigation system will be formed in the 2020 global coverage. In recent years the development of satellite communication technology emerge in endlessly. Such as very small earth station antenna (VSAT) system, the movement of the low and middle orbit satellite communication system has received widespread attention and application. Satellite communication is an important part of global information highway in the future. It with its wide coverage, large capacity of communication. Communication distance, without being limited by the geographical environment, high quality and economic benefit, etc. The application in our country for the first time in 1972, and the rapid development, together with the optical fiber communication, digital microwave communication, became the mainstay of the contemporary long distance communication in our country.

卫星通信由于它不受地理条件的限制,具有灵活的可移动性,所以仍依它的优势创新发展。但亦受到迅速发展的光纤通信的挑战,它比卫星通信的容量大,传输速率高,有很多越洋通信被海底光缆所替代,陆地干线亦有类似情况。20世纪90年代中后期卫星电视直播(DBs——Direct Broadcast Satellite或DTH——Direct To Home)、卫星声音广播、卫星移动通信以及卫星宽带多媒体通信成为新的四大发展潮流。 Satellite communication because it is not limited by geographical condition, with flexible mobility, so is still in accordance with its advantages of innovation and development. But also by the challenge of the rapid development of optical fiber communication, it is larger than the capacity of satellite communications, the transmission rate is high, there are a lot of overseas communications were replaced by a submarine cable, main land also has a similar situation. In mid and late 1990 s Satellite television Broadcast (DBs, Direct Broadcast Satellite or DTH - Direct To the Home), Satellite voice Broadcast, Satellite mobile communication and Satellite broadband multimedia communication becomes the new four development trend.


Satellite communications development trend of the general development direction of large capacity, high power, high speed, broadband, low cost and high transmitting frequency, the repeater, multipoint beam and informs the beam, the application of the star on the switching signal processing technology, signal processing, etc., satellite live TV in the 21st century (DBS, TV), personal mobile satellite communications, multimedia satellite communication, satellite audio broadcast, satellite network TV will be a lot of development. VSAT business scope expands unceasingly, deep into every field of national economy, more show its economic and social benefits, ka-band application further miniaturization of equipment, of course also brought attenuation serious defects. Optical communication application in satellite communication gradually become mature, it requires precise satellite control technology, the current in the world is still in the development stage, is expected soon will enter the practical stage.


Satellite communication in China is in rapid development, expanding the application areas of satellite communication, in addition to the financial, securities, post and telecommunications, meteorology, earthquake and other departments, remote education, remote medical treatment, emergency disaster relief, emergency communications, emergency broadcasting, land, sea and air navigation, connect to the Internet network telephone, TV and so on will be widely used. Satellite launch technology in our country, leads the world in long march rockets, big thrust, pollution-free, non-toxic environmentally friendly rocket engine has been successful in our country, this for the development of our countrys large communication satellites and manned spaceflight, lunar exploration project has created favorable conditions.


In the market, due to the development of the industry too fast, the demand for talent and is quite large, is a professional \the easiest way to find a good job\. So for the future, we, the sophomore, is of great power.

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