
时间:2021-07-01 10:27:38 教学资源 浏览次数:




2014年 12 月 25 日


摘要 .................................................................................................................................................. 2

1小米公司简介 ................................................................................................................................ 3

1.1小米公司简介 ..................................................................................................................... 3

1.2小米的寓意 ......................................................................................................................... 3

2小米手机的简介 ............................................................................................................................ 3

2.1小米手机的简介 ................................................................................................................. 3

2.2小米手机的配置 ................................................................................................................. 4

2.3小米手机的销售模式及其价格 ........................................................................................ 4

3小米手机的4P营销策略分析...................................................................................................... 5

3.1产品策略 ............................................................................................................................. 5

3.2定价策略 ............................................................................................................................. 6

3.3渠道策略 ............................................................................................................................. 6

3.4促销策略 ............................................................................................................................. 7

结论 .................................................................................................................................................. 9

参考文献........................................................................................................................................... 9

摘 要



1 小米公司简介





小米拼音是mi,首先是Mobile Internet,小米要做移动互联网公司;其次是mission impossible,小米要完成不能完成的任务,用小米和步枪来征服世界。另外,把小米的商标上下倾倒过来就是一个心字,而心字少了一个点,代表着小米公司要为用户省一点心。

2 小米手机的简介













小米手机使用了高通Snapdragon S3 MSM8260 手机处理器,也是世界上首款双核1.5GHz的只能手机,并宣称其搭载的Scorpion 双核引擎比其它单核1GHz处理器手机的性能提升了200%,和双核智能手机相比也提升了25%。经过系统优化后还能提高30%的性能。小米手机配备的266MHz Adreno220 GPU图形处理器搭配1G RAM的手机内存可以完美运行大型3D游戏以及播放1080P高清视频。




成都信息工程大学学生姓名: 专业班级: 论文日期: 国际市场营销导向对企业产生的影响

The influence of international marketing orientation on the



International Marketing Under the influence of economic globalization, International Marketing refers to the inflow of goods and services of more than one country in the hands of the consumer or user process. In other words, international marketing is a social and a cross-border management process, enterprises through planning, pricing, promotion and guidance, to create and exchange of products and value in the international market to meet the needs of multinational customers and access profit activities.

World economy, technological development is uneven, especially todays highly developed science and technology, no country can’t have all the resources needed for the national economy, not to have all the advanced technology development needs. To accelerate the development of the national economy, we need to actively carry out international marketing, domestic products into the international market. The smooth realization of the value of a product and get more profit through exports, the introduction of advanced scientific technology and equipment to speed up the countrys economy development of.

Key words: management orientations; International marketing ;


International Marketing

The basic principles and methods of international marketing with the basic marketing is not much difference. Many domestic enterprises guiding principles and methods of marketing, such as marketing research, consumer behavior analysis, target marketing, marketing mix strategy, marketing, strategic planning, marketing, management, etc., can be utilized to guide the international marketing activities.

Domestic marketing is marketing in the enterprise familiar environment (including demographic, economic, social, cultural, political and legal and competitive environment) to carry out international marketing will have to carry out in more than one country are not familiar with marketing environment, as well as by domestic macro marketing environment influence, it can be seen facing the international marketing environment more complex.

Significance of International Marketing

Actively carry out international marketing for the enterprises to carry out marketing, can seek a wider market, expand product sales business: First, greater returns through the sale, the second is through the expansion of sales to expand production scale and reduce product unit costs, gain economies of scale.

Actively carry out international marketing, to enable enterprises to join the fierce competition in the international market to go, we can hone the development of production capacity of enterprises, speed up technological progress, improve the management level, to accelerate business growth and expansion. For our country this is a developing country, to join WTO pressure on many companies is not only power, both challenges and opportunities in Chinas modernization process, to encourage domestic enterprises to actively carry out international marketing, to participate in international competition, You can work out in the fierce competition in the multitude of strong companies, in integrating into the mainstream of the world economy, while our business development ideas change radically, forging a new international competitive environment to adapt to the modern enterprise.

Introduction of management orientations

The form and substance of a company’s response to global market opportunities depend greatly on management’s assumptions or beliefs –both conscious and unconscious –about the nature of the world. The world view of a company’s personnel can be described as ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric. Management at a company with a prevailing ethnocentric orientation may consciously make a decision to move in the direction of geocentricism. The orientations are collectively known as the EPRG framework.

Ethnocentric Orientation

A person who assumes that his or her home country is superior to the rest of the world is to have an ethnocentric orientation. Ethnocentrism is sometimes associated with attitudes of national arrogance or assumptions of national superiority; it can also manifest itself as indifference to marketing opportunities outside the home country. Company personnel with an ethnocentric orientation see only similarities in markets, and assume that produces and practices that secceed in the home country will be successful anywhere. At some companies, the ethnocentric orientation means that opportunities outside the home country are largely ignored.

Polycentric Orientation

The Polycentric Orientation is the opposite of ethnocentrism. The term polycentric describes management’s belief or assumption that each country in which a company does business is unique. This assumption lays the groundwork for each subsidiary to develop its own unique business and marketing strategies in order to succeed; the term multinational company is often used to describe such a structure. This point of view leads to a localized or adaptation approach that assumes products must be adapted in response to different market conditions.

Regiocentric Orientation

In a company with a regiocentric Orientation, a region becomes the relevant geographic unit; management’s goal is to develop an integrated regional strategy.

Center guide home country

Those who believe that their home country than all countries in the world, he was considered to have the home country center oriented. The home country of the center-oriented company personnel only see each common market, and that the success of products in the home country and feasible approach, because of its compelling advantages, but will also smooth any place in the world. For some home countries have center-oriented company, marketing opportunities outside the home country is often overlooked, these companies are referred to as domestic companies. While other international companies holding the home country of the center-oriented business engaged in the country outside. They insisted that the success of the product in the home country must be an excellent product, and therefore not allowed to make any changes to sell anywhere in the world.

The so-called multi-country center of the guide refers to the companys decision-making and management beliefs and judgment that company to carry out the conditions of each country involved in business activities have their own uniqueness. Pursue regional center oriented company, the management company to be seen as each region is unique, and the attempt to formulate an integrated regional strategy. Global center of the guide is actually the center of the home country and multi-country center complex. It is both see each country and the common market, they see their differences and work to develop a fully reflect the needs and desires around the global marketing strategy.


Marketing environment is a key factor in determining corporate marketing activities, changes in the dynamic development of enterprises must monitor the marketing environment and adaptation of corporate marketing activities. Our marketing environment is the interpretation of a number of significant changes, which are mainly concentrated in the economic environment, market demand and competition fields. How to grasp and adapt to these changes, to find and exploit these opportunities, every business should seriously study.

Before joining to the WTO, Chinas marketing activities substantially limited domestic market, although some of the companys products into the international market, but that is an international trade, and not for international marketing. After joining the WTO and Chinas enterprises face a change in these two areas:

1) foreign companies are joining the pace of entering the Chinese market, international marketing domestic market is deepening and expansion.

2) the foreign market to open the door to Chinas enterprises, domestic enterprises to participate in international marketing has begun.













关键词:国际化 国际市场 国际营销 文化环境



1.语言是沟通的首要工具,反映了每一种文化的特征、思维、过程、价值取向及其间的人类行为。语言在国际营销中主要有四个作用:语言在信息收集和评估中发挥重要作用;语言提供了进入当地社团的通道;在公司的沟通交往中,包括公司内部沟通和公司外部营销网及生意伙伴的沟通,语言都发挥了重要作用;语言提供的作用远超于其基本的沟通能力。特别是在国际营销的促销广告中,对各种不同语言必须要有深入的理解。美国的百事可乐公司有一个著名的促销广告词:“畅饮百事可乐,使你心旷神怡”(come alive with Pepsi)。在中国这一广告和其产品名称的绝妙翻译相配合,取得了极好的效果,然而,同样的广告词在德国却遇到麻烦。因为其若直译为德语,“come alive”的意思是“死而复生”。另外翻译错误也是导致失败的主要根源,解决这种尴尬局面的方法就是使用逆向翻译法:一个译者将初始语言翻译为目标语言,另一名译者将译稿译回初







6. 社会组织:不同文化的社会组织存在差异。如社会组织的基本单位:家庭,西方国家中家庭单位以“核心家庭”为主,一般包括两代人。而在东方一些国家和欠发达国家,一个家庭通常是“扩展家庭”,包含了三代甚至四代人。不同的家庭模式,以及家庭在社会中的重要性和家庭决策权等,直接影响了社会的消费模式。






3. 按照目标市场国的文化进行产品的设计不同文化的消费者对产品的要求也是不同的。大多数情况下,产品本身是相同的,但在不同的文化背景下,消费者对产品的心理需求是不同的,这些心理需求会影响到消费者对产品的满意程度。 在不同的文化背景下,消费者会有各种不同的好恶,只有设计出能迎合当地文化品味的产品才会取得成功。有时文化会变成仅次于政治的东西,并被用作


4. 按照目标市场国的文化进行产品的促销国际促销成功的关键在于是否适应当地的环境。有些市场需要直销人员,有些则不需要,而且顾客的接近方式不同,人员推销和销售管理比国内复杂。 广告是应用最广泛的促销手段。广告标准化可以降低广告成本,保持世界一致的广告形象,还会带来学习效应。但广告信息如果不能适应当地的文化,试图将标准化的信息强制传送给消费者只会导致失败。

5. 按照目标市场国的文化进行产品的渠道管理国际分销渠道是指通过交易将产品或服务从本国生产者转移到目标国最终到达消费者手中所经过的途径,以及与此有关的一系列机构和个人。在国际分销渠道中,商品从一个国家的生产地流向另一个或多个国家的消费地,其流通的起点与终点分别在不同国家。商品所有权、使用权的转移以及分销渠道成员的构成,都涉及到不同的制度与文化背景。



6. 按照目标市场国的文化制定价格消费者愿意支付的价格既取决于产品本身的价值,也取决于消费者认同的价值,而消费者认同的价值常常与文化背景有关,对于两个不同文化或国家中的相同产品,两个不同的价格也许都会被接受。


推荐访问:市场营销 论文 国际